We're sprung! Bernie came on day 11 of captivity and shoved us both into the carriers.

He was moving really fast....the Iraqi cats must have found out where we were.

(I saw this on the door as we left....)
Hmm...this must be what it is like for those poor women in the Middle east who have to wear burqua with face veils. Can't see for beans though.

I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.)Next thing we knew were in a completely different place.
NO furniture anywhere!
Hart and I checked everything out.
Very, very weird.
Bernie sat on the floor and held Hart.
I had to keep looking around to be sure we were really safe.
Oh can you believe this?
We are waaaayyyyy up in the air. Higher than I've even ever climbed up a tree.
Hart and I looked over the edge. There were a lot of cars down below us.
What happened?
Why are we here?

Bernie put out our toys. Like who would want to play at a time like this?
Then Bernie LEFT US again!
I scratched and scratched at the door, but he was just gone.
We watched the moon come up across the way.
I decided the safest thing would be for me to find the best place to keep guard.
This place worked really good.
Bernie and Blondie came back to see us the next day, and then furniture came. Hart staked out a pillow for his own.
I'm stay up here though. I come down for meals and litter trips. And to sleep on the bed. It is so good that Bernie and Blondie are sleeping here with us. Hart and I curl up together right by Bernie's feet, and we purr all night long.
I think things are going to be OK...Bernie and Blondie said we missed a Hurricane storm in Houston, and that our house is OK.
What I don't understand is why we aren't living there anymore.
I guess we just aren't and that is that.
So I'm making the best of it, and doing my part to watch out for Iraqi cats.
Just so you know what they look like: Here a picture.
I think they look really mean, don't you?
I think it is because they have smashed in noses.
They must not be able to breath very good.
Hmmm. I always suspected there was something suspicious about Meowsie...the way he attacked you and pooped and peed in all the wrong places...so he's one of those Iraqi cats, huh?
Boy, am I ever glad that you and Hart are out of confinement and reunited with Bernie and Blondie! I like your perch, too, but I've never been able to figure out how to get up there.
What is it anyway with our peeps hauling us off to strange places and leaving our perfectly good houses behind?!
Tiggie I love your new hiding spot. Up there you can see everything that is happening including persian terrorist that come to visit. I really hope that he won't find your new address... Glad to see things are looking better :-)
When in doubt, higher is always better! Take a wait and see approach until you're sure.
Oh Jeeze!!! I was worried about you guys!!!
Glad to see you are OK!
Love your new perch, Tiggie.
It will be great once you have some stuff in there to look at!
Purrs Goldie
Oh man, that does look scary. Hopefully you'll get some furniture soon and won't have to be up on the cabinet top.
I have a perch like that on top of Short Girl's book case. I like yours too.
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