Hart and I were out in the garden the other day and he knocked over the empty white pot.
This critter was hiding underneath it!
It started hopping like crazy, but I caught it!
It fit in my mouth, all except the feet. They stuck out a bit, and that made it hard for me to let Bernie know I had CAUGHT something!
I ran from window to window trying to get his attention. Then all of the sudden....bleech! there was an awful taste in my mouth.
I had to spit the thing out...my mouth was all icky tasting. Later on Bernie said that when frogs get scared they pee.
NO WAY!!!!
Gross!!!! I would have NEVER tried to catch a frog in my mouth if I had known that. Why don't frogs come with warning labels or something?

Since it was still early in the day, Hart and I decided to pull up a piece of shade and just chill for a bit.
That didn't last long.
There he was again, that friggin' squirrel. Sitting on a branch just over us, flicking his tail and daring us to do something about it.
Well, I wasn't about to put up with that. I was off like a shot.

The nutcase squirrel raced ahead of me....
Ah ha...now I've got you, you little monster.
It was a stare down.
I kept looking at him until he finally lost his nerve and left.
Me: Still King of the Yard.