I do look good by candle light. The more candles, the better.
And I am really good at dreidel.
I can spin those babies around the kitchen floor like nobody's business.
I'm a cat who was living with twenty other cats when one day a blond lady said she wanted me because I was orange. Now I live with her and her husband. I am a good and faithful orange cat, who used to live in Texas, and I have a lot to say. Like where in the heck am I now anyway???? I'd like to meet you, but remember, look, but don't touch. I'm still a little bit feral, and I'm not afraid to draw blood. Ask anyone around here. They know.
Spooky said that she loves to spin things around on the kitchen floor, too, but she has never experienced spinning the dreidel.
Tiggie, you really are beautiful by candlelight. We all are. Our eyes glisten and our fur shines.
Treater has decided that I need a blog just like yours. She's slow to work on it, but I now have the beginnings of my very own blog! I have linked to you in my sidebar...you can add me if you'd like.
OH Tiggie . .I'm so sad that Otis and Indee started their blog early and you started yours late.
You are just the best poser I've ever seen . .even better than kids.
You are quite the babe, Tiggie. My brother and I love ginger kitties.
If you keep your people thinking that you are a bit feral, they won't make you wear costumes... you smart kitty you!
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