I guess I need to get everyone caught up on what's been going on here. Apparently we are now in a place called "Salt Lake City, Utah."
I don't see salt, or lake, but I am seeing a lot of city.

No Persian Iraqi cats though, thank heaven. I've been keeping a sharp lookout, just in case one comes by.

This little lookout space sure was a surprise.
We used to have a perfectly good garden on the ground, now we have just a few plants here way up in the sky. No
anoles, no darn squirrels, no raccoons, no possums.
I kind of miss the possums....

I'm still hunting though. Caught this big old green katydid munching on Bernie's bonsai. I killed it, and then brought it inside right away.

Bernie and Blondie were right in the middle of their dinner, so I thought I should bring something to share.
Bernie was really proud of me.

I really don't like how katydid heads taste. So I left that part, thinking maybe Blondie would enjoy it for dessert.
She said she thought that was thoughtful of me, but gross.
Go figure.

The BIG news is that Bernie got Hart and me a new cat tree!
Whoo HOO!

I knew if we hung in there, he would keep his word and get us one.
(Get it? I'm "hanging in there"?)
It even has a feather dangle so I can keep up with my bird hunting skills.
And a place to hide and think, or take a nap.
I find I never can get enough naps actually. The same day we got the cat tree, we also got this napping box. I hopped into it and felt sleepy right away.
Colorful place to nap, no?
Of course the real reason I needed a cat tree was so I could also keep secretly keep watch for any Persian Iraqi invasion from the window.
I'm telling you...it is a big job, but no Persian is going to sneak up on any of us here.
Not on my watch!
Keeping guard is a huge responsibility. And frankly, the enormity of it is getting to me. I have to confess: I've developed a pretty serious toilet tissue eating habit. I used to just take a nibble every now and then from the roll that was hanging on the wall.
I'm sure every cat has at one time or another had a toilet roll unwinding session or two. It seemed fun and harmless. But then the next thing I knew, I was climbing into the cupboard and hitting the rolls even before they were hung up.
I'd start eating...and eating...and eating....
And of course that would lead to other more messy activities on the carpet.
Blondie says she will up my daily Greenies fix if I promise to cut back on the toilet paper habit.
I'm trying to. Seriously I am. It's been three days and 15 hours since my last
TP fix.
And I am attending Toilet Paper
Anonymous meetings.
The first thing they had me do is to admit that I had a problem.
So here it goes:
Hello, my name is
Tiggie and I'm addicted to toilet paper.